Holly Days: Joy of Love: Days Eight & Nine

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Joy of Love: Days Eight & Nine

Day eight prompt: gift from the heart.
Day eight camera tip: manual mode.

Day nine prompt: passions & hobbies.
Day nine camera tip: keep working on previous tips.

My husband gives me a gift from the heart every single morning. He wakes up before the sun, proceeds with his morning routine, then gently kisses my forehead as I sleep in bed & holds the baby monitor up to his ear for a moment to listen for tiny breathing sounds & then heads out to work. So the gift from the heart I chose was dishes. My least favorite chore. Because as much as I hate them. I am grateful we have them & forever thankful that my husband gives me the gift of being home with our baby boy. Our current financial situation is sucky...at best...& I am currently looking for work, but I am still incredibly grateful for the hard work he puts in for our little family every single day.

Collin is still too little to have many hobbies or interests...unless Yo Gabba Gabba counts. So, I like to think he enjoys our trips to Target as much as I do. I mean....who doesn't find Target interesting??

Okay, so maybe Collin doesn't find it as interesting as Mama does. He does enjoy our newest activity. Coloring. I foresee many afternoons filled with crayons & markers & torn out pages from coloring books. These are mostly blurry, but I was too caught up in our moments to worry too much about my camera settings.

And I threw in a Yo Gabz picture for good measure.

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  1. Yo Gabz gives me the creeps but all the kiddos I know are crazy for that show! I just see jack black in the orange suit every time. ugh. I like the pictures!

  2. So adorable! Love the second photo.

  3. hahaaa, Target. Of course he loves Target!

  4. Please don't think I'm crazy, but is that the Target on horizon/gv? We may or may not practically live there.

  5. @elle - No, this one is off of 215/Durango! Haha! We DO live there. Haaahaaaa! I love me some Target.
