Holly Days: iPhone Photos: Week Seven

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

iPhone Photos: Week Seven

01: Favors for the Seesters barbecue reception.  02: Why my Mom rules.  03: Apparently, I don't need sleep.  04: Just being all cute watching Yo Gabz.  05: Valentine's chocolates from my Mommy.  06: Collin sharing his chocolates with Daddy.  07: Um...yeah. The cute.  08: Valentine's chocolates!  09: Diet Coke bottle for lunch?  10: Easy, inexpensive toy providing MINUTES of fun.  11: Yarn wreath pride.  12: Safety? What is that?  13: I die. We need.  14: Collin grew a beard last week.  15: Our art project for the rainy afternoon.  16: Again...safety???  17: His room was clean when I went in to put clothes away. He successfully destroyed it in four minutes.  18: Coming to a blog near you.  19: Yo Gabz....wait...where is Collin? Oh. Napping. I like to watch it for the riveting plot.  20: What? You don't tweet & bathe at the same time?

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  1. you scare me with that naked tweeting.

  2. I love these phone pictures everyone has! I have an old phone with a crappy camera, and I canceled the internet on my phone so I can't keep up with all you girls!! He he. Tweeting while bathing... sounds awesome.

  3. haha! you should create a nakedtweeting hashtag so we all know! and is that a freaking bullseye rocking horse!? AWESOME!!!

  4. hhaaa, I think 20 is my fave. Not in a creepy way. It's funny.
