Holly Days: I ♥ My Followers Winners

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Monday, February 7, 2011

I ♥ My Followers Winners

I used a random generator to pick the winners & since there are five I've decided not to post screenshots of each result. You are going to have to trust me. The winners are as follows:

Sarah Halstead - NapTime MomTog
Mama Mandolin (Mandy) - Mama & the Dudes
Mommy to Lennon (Brittney Gillette) - Adventures in Mommyland
Debbie West - West Word

Congratulations, ladies!!! If you were chosen, I need you to email me with your mailing address as soon as possible. The sooner I get your address, the sooner I get your print!

Also, I'm reeeaalllyyy hoping one of you will take a photo of the print once it's up & framed on your wall! I'd love to see it up & adding cheer!