Holly Days: New Year's Day Laze

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Day Laze

We spent our first day of the year quietly at home. This was the first weekend since November that we had no plans. No one to see. No where to go.
We all spent the entire day in our jammies.
Collin took a three hour nap.
So did I.
We needed this day. We reconnected, just the three of us. Played with new toys. Snuggled. Stole Daddy's iPhone. Laughed. Ate. And had the most fun bath time we've had in awhile. Am I the only one who still plays with her kid's hair in the bath tub? There is nothing better than a bath time mohawk.


1 comment:

  1. I love lazy days!

    I can't play with Connor's hair in the bath since he refuses to get a regular hair wash sitting up (he's terrified). So he lays down on Emma's bath mat to get a "hair wipe" as he calls it. lol.
