Holly Days: Cookie Monster

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Friday, January 14, 2011

Cookie Monster

I'm still trying to get used to Collin's new haircut. It's totally tripping me the eff out. I can't get over how different he looks.  Like a little teenager. Collin seems happy with it. His hair isn't in his face anymore & he can play without constantly trying to pull it away from his eyes.

I'm not sure what he was looking at, but he was crying because he wanted
out & was sick of Mama taking pictures of him in his crib. Dra-mah!

Yes. He is wearing the same socks he wore yesterday. Judge me.


  1. He's so damn cute! very happy with those cookies! :)

  2. he looks so grown up. =[


    My lawyer will be contacting you about the offensive socks.

  3. Oh, you're supposed to make them wear clean socks every day? Hmmm

    Cute pics

  4. how beautiful is ur baby boy!!?? luv'd ur "about me" story * lookin' forward to checkin' out the rest of ur nook :) cheers from ur latest stalker * *


  5. @Twisted Fate: Thank you! I like to think so! He loved the cookies.

    @Debbie - They are so thick & warm. Plus, I forgot to grab a clean pair after his bath, so I just put them back on.

    @Kris - Haaahaaaa! Apparantly...AND you have to change their diapers!

    @b lee - Awww! Thank you! Hope you like future visits to my blog! =]
