Holly Days: Santa Claus

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Santa Claus

Collin totally rocked his visit with Santa this year. He was still just a ball of new baby last year & I was petrified to let him be on Santa's germy lap for too long, so I was really looking forward to this year. Especially since last year's Santa was a total hack. This year totally made up for it. This wasn't one of Santa's elves at all. This was the real Santa. I'm convinced of it. Because kids don't cry on the lap of the real Santa Claus. Collin was a champ & I fully expected him to ask Santa for the Official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle...but he didn't. Instead he stared at the sweet old man & smirked at him while Mama took her pictures.

For comparison, last year's Santa visit.

I know.


  1. No, seriously. I'm sorry Santa of '09, but you look like a creep. Grow a real beard and dye it white or something. lol.

    This year's Santa rocks!

  2. The fake beard Santas totally creep me out!

  3. This years santa looks so genuine.... I have never had a real beard santa hear yet.. I love this years santa in your pictures.... He looks so genine!
