Holly Days: The Other Woman & Rabbit Hole Trailers

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Friday, December 31, 2010

The Other Woman & Rabbit Hole Trailers

I saw this trailer on another loss Mama's blog.

For serious?

I cannot wait to see this movie.

I also have plans to see this one.

"Why didn't God just make another angel? I mean, he is God, after all."


  1. I won't like. I cried.

    And I couldn't even hear it well since Connor was watching a show.

    btw, LOVING the new look!

  2. opps. I mean "I won't lie"

    wish we could edit comments!

  3. Your birth story about Liam is so beautifully written. The photos absolutely touching and I am in tears every time I read what you write about him. Precious, precious angel. It's so wonderful that you share his story. For so many mothers it's so important. *HUGE HUGS*

  4. @Debbie - I cried, too. How could you not?! I'll be a mess in the theater.

    @momma zen - Thank you!! It's taken me a long while to be able to write that properly. I wrote it about a month after we lost him, but I knew it wasn't the way I wanted it to be written. Now I'm happy with it.
