Holly Days: Magical Forest

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Magical Forest

We totes got to go to the North Pole today. Okay...maybe it was just the Magical Forest, but it's just like the North Pole. At least, that's what I always thought growing up.

When my parents moved out here from Michigan, my Mom was determined to start her own traditions with us. We were away from our entire family, but she'd be damned if she didn't create happy, lasting Christmas memories with us...& she succeeded.

One of my favorite traditions was Magical Forest. When I was a little girl, my Mom would load us kids up & take us through the gorgeous maze of twinkle lights & never ending displays of Christmas scenes. We would ooh & ahh at all of the decorations & trees. Then, she would buy us each a hot cocoa & usually a funnel cake. I would fall asleep those nights dreaming of wandering the North Pole with Santa's elves & in a state of pure Christmas bliss.

This is something I hope to give to Collin. I am looking forward to taking him & with each passing year, watching him grow to love this tradition. Hopefully, he will take after his Mama & never grow out of it. Seriously, who is too old for Santa? Certainly not I.

The North Pole! Eeeee!!!

I love this place. No, seriously. Love it.

A failed attempt, but I tried.

A total accident, but I love it. He is so my child.

My Prince Charming. We were waiting for Santa.

Moose...or is it meeses? Or mooses?

More fun decor! I told you this place rules.

We decided to let him out to wander. He was hypnotized by the lights.

...& then he took off as fast as he could, but not before removing the ridiculous hat Mama had him in.
Seriously, Moooom.

Liam was there, too.

One, final family shot. Dorktastic.


  1. hahaaaa, that "accident" one looks like you're singing carols!!

    I totally love doing 'portraits' in the bulbs. FUN! I still haven't gotten one with Emma in the shot too. Excuse to try again?? I thought so too.

    Love the photos!

  2. Amazing place...amazing photography...wow!!
