Holly Days: Elf Visits: Night Two

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Elf Visits: Night Two

The elves have already made their nightly visit. I couldn't help but take a picture. These elves are fantastic wrappers! I guess it only makes sense, since it is their livelihood & all.

Sweet dreams from the desert!

This may not be the most Christmas-y climate...
...but I'll be damned if I let that put a damper on my Christmas spirit!!


  1. Okay, I just read your first post and you managed to make me cry AND laugh in just a few paragraphs:) Don't be alarmed by my stalking ways...I'm harmless:)

  2. Interesting article,nice blog. I enjoyed readimg the article.Keep it up.

  3. can't wait to see what they left!

  4. @Dafthermit - Thanks for the visit! Much appreciated!

    @Birdie - Awww!!! I'm glad you enjoyed! Hope to see you around more often! I love comments! I followed your blog a few days ago! Looking forward to more posts!

    @editor - Thank you!!

    @Debbie - Nothing special. It's always something small....coughfromthedollarspotcough...not that I know. They also left something here for Connor & Emma. It won't get there until after Christmas, but I expect pictures!

  5. what I would give to have a Target dollar spot....

    and also: "This may not be the most Christmas-y climate... " you know... the first Christmas was in a desert... just saying.

  6. @Debbie - It is totally amazeballs. You are SOOOOO right!!!!! I can't believe I never remembered that!!!!!
