Holly Days: Elf Visits: Night One

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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Elf Visits: Night One

Elf visits couldn't be coming at a better time, what with the sick baby & constant shushing to Ethan during his first day visiting us. We are total bummers.

Don't know what elf visits are?!?!

One Christmas, Santa's elves visited me for the last seven days before the Big Guy came on the 25th. They would leave a small gift on my nightstand for me to wake up to in the morning. I remember excitedly anticipating my little surprises & how completely stoked it made me for Christmas Day. It is one of my favorite memories & now that I have Collin, I want this to be a tradition for him. So, I had a chat with the elves..who by the way, are fantastic gift wrappers....& they were totally down with making a daily stop at my house. Technically, the elves are starting six days before Christmas, but that's because Ethan came really late last night & because Collin is still too small to really care that the elves jipped him of a day.

A Christmas Story is the elves' fave Christmas movie evaaarr! Didn't you know this?

Collin's Christmas night light. A necessity.

Sweet dreams! Stay tuned in tomorrow to see what the elves left for Collin & Ethan.


  1. "Elf Visits" LOve.IT! I wish I would have thought of that for my kids. Good job Mommy. Stopping by from Blog Frog
