Holly Days: Our Weeks Via iPhone

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Our Weeks Via iPhone


  1. Do you just do a pull and paste type thing with photoshop to do your iphone layouts or do you have a program that does it for you either on your phone or etc? I have been using Frametastic on iphone the free version but I'd rather do something like how you do it - with pretty backgrounds and stuff! I need to get a newer version of PS Elements. My old one is just becoming so buggy I can't really use it anymore.

    1. I use PS Elements 10 & then just re-size & drag & drop into a new collage. It's a pain to do every week, but no worse than scrapbooking would be. :)

    2. Thank you! Then I definitely need to upgrade to another PS Elements. I have I think it's 6 - and I don't know what happened but either I got some sort of virus that only affects PS or it updated itself recently and made it buggy but every time I use it something else doesn't work. So it's useless!!!
