Holly Days: Bye, Pee Pee!!!

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Bye, Pee Pee!!!

Collin has shown zero interest in any form of potty training. I mean nothing. But he seems content to chill at my feet when I poop. He is two & most people have started potty training their kids. Some peoples' kids already are potty trained, but Collin? Collin is totally cool with me just changing his poop everyday. He don't care. He is basically just a potty training honey badger. 

What homie doesn't know, is that I've been a honey badger that just don't care for a lot longer than him. He seriously has no idea what the heck he is doing, but I am determined. You know, because I'm a honey badger, damn it & when a god damned snake bites me...or a two year old trying to defeat toilet training...I'll just take my nap & then wake right up & keep on eating that snake....or potty training that kid.

For those of you who don't understand the honey badger references, go here. You're welcome.

Anyways, Collin is cool with sitting on his little seat (I just bought the small one that sits on top of the big toilet, I figured it would make the transition easier) & is basically a boss at unravelling toilet paper. But he doesn't sit for long unless I'm in there with him, which is cool because it gives me an excuse to avoid laundry.

His favorite part....mind you, he has NEVER even sprinkled into the toilet, yet...is flushing & waving to his non-existent pee. "BYEEEEE PEE PEE!!!!" Homie even waves at the water.

How long did it take you guys to train your boys? Also, did you teach them sitting down, too or am I dooming him to a life of being made fun of? I'm a single Mom, so it's not like I can teach by example.


  1. Awww!

    Yeah, we kind of started half-heartedly the potty training thing months ago but yeah ...Eli has no issue pooping the diaper. He fights me when I want to clean him up and put a fresh one on. Dude!

    1. Collin does the same thing. It's WW3 every time he needs a new diaper. WTF, little due? W.T.F.

    2. I just read all the comments and feel so much better that 3.5-4 is the norm because I just don't see it happening until he's much older. He seems NO WHERE NEAR potty training. And I don't want to make him resent it by forcing him now!

    3. Same here!!! And I don't want to make it a negative experience or he will NEVER shit n a potty!!!!! Haha! It was a relief for me, too.

  2. I've tried potty-training Lennon 3 times now... I give up after a few days of her peeing in her panties and giving 0 fucks *sigh*

    1. HAHAHA!!! Giving 0 fucks. OMG! Made me laugh so hard.

  3. Connor was 3 1/2 by the time he was all done training. We trained sitting down.... I mean.... how can they pee standing when they can't even clear the toilet, you know!? ha! He, on his own, then taught himself to stand because "it's like Daddy". We tried tons of different styles of potties. BabyBjorn was our favorite, with the little toilet top seat being the 2nd fave.

    1. I've heard the same thing. 3.5 seems to be "the" age for boys. I'm not rushing anything anyways, just getting him familiar making sure he learns that THAT is where he goes.

      I'm digging this seat, I don't think he would stay put on a little one & he's too high up to get down off of the toilet unless I help, so it sort of forces him to stay on it & pee.

  4. Both my boys were around 3 1/2 when they were finally trained. I'd try on a weekend, they'd show no interest so then I'd wait another few weeks. I'm a firm believer in the "They'll go when THEY are ready. One day it will just click." With both my older boys that was the case...just one day boom they were 100% potty trained and we haven't had a single accident since. Now when people ask me why I'm not trying with S (he is 2 1/2) I tell them that it's not worth the stress and hassle because I know what his brothers did. :)

    1. Yeah, 3.5 seems to be the general age for boys from what I'm hearing from other Mamas. I'm not going to force it, really. I just want him to get familiar with it I sort of have the same mind set as you where, when he's ready, he's ready. He'll figure it out. I know he will.

  5. My son was 3 when he was potty trained. He wasn't night potty trained until he was 3 1/2.
    I have known many many boys who didn't potty train until they were 4!!

    My daughter is 3 1/2 and she is not potty trained. She too is content with me changing her poop and pee as well. WHO ON EARTH said girls are easier to potty train. Not in my case.

    At 3 Judah just randomly said "I have to go potty" so I let him go and he never had a day accident after that.

    My daughter just..... won't.

    1. It seems to be the general age I'm hearing for boys is 3 - 3.5. That makes me feel better & I'm not gonna force anything on him anyways. He'll get it when he's ready. For now, I'm all over making sure he knows alllll about pee pee & poo poo & where it goes. I'm so tired of poop.

  6. good morning! there's a book someone gave me to read about potty training, and i was totally against a book method cause I just dont have that kind of time to read a book on potty training let alone any sort of magazine. Anyways I will find out the name of it from my cousin, I was able to potty train landon in a weekend. no joke, it was a very long weekend but in the long run i was glad i did it. I think you can download it online too
    i'll get back to you.

  7. My son just turned 3 and I am going crazy trying to get him potty trained! He just does NOT want to do it. Everytime I ask he say's "later mommy" he has gone in the potty only twice...and everytime I put big boy underwear on him he potty's in them. My daughter was fully potty trained at 19 months. Now with this little man I have no clue what I am doing!!

    1. I've heard the general consensus is around 3.5...even 4. Don't stress. He will get it. Boys are rough, man!
