Holly Days: Our...er, Month in iPhone Photos

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Our...er, Month in iPhone Photos

Dude. I'm so behind on this. I've been procrastinating it because I wanted to do it on my Mac & it got me an entire month behind. Shizz.

no captions this time. I'm seriously so obsessed with getting my Mac all set up with software & moving all my files over from my PC right now. OB-SESSED WITH MY MAC!!!


  1. Awesome photos! I'm so jealous of your new Mac. I have to stick w/a PC laptop (long story related to my photography business), but I wish I could switch! Have fun!

    1. I'm sorry about the PC. I am now a loyal Apple consumer! PC drools.

  2. Macs for the win! (Good luck with the switchover--but once you go Mac you'll never go back! :D)

    1. Amen. I am now a loyal Apple consumer. iPhone, iMac & all!

  3. Hey! I'm your newest follower.. I read your about me section and you totally reminded me of my BFF so I just knew I had to follow your blog!

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