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Friday, February 24, 2012


Yes. I am, "that Mom." The one who lets her kid play with her iPhone. Collin has a few apps on my iPhone that are just for him. I have some flashcard games & he is sort of a pro at Angry Birds. Whatever. I don't allow him to be on it all the time. Only when I need him occupied or when he asks to do his flashcards or play, "Burds."

He's such a freaking teenager. OMG.

Tell me I'm not the only Mom who does this? I feel like it's such a sign of the times. I mean, my kid knew how to unlock my iPhone at like six months old.


  1. Haha this is awesome. My 2 year old plays games on mine too. How old is he?

    1. He is two. It makes me feel a lot better knowing other mom's do it, too.

  2. Emma plays the ipad everyday.....

    1. Haaaa!!! Seriously, though...it's been super helpful with educational tools. He uses flash card apps & when he plays games, it helps his fine motor skils.

  3. I let Sammy take over my old iPhone so he would leave mine alone (plus it no longer has phone service so he can't butt dial anyone)--he uses it to play shape and animal games when we're waiting in line at the supermarket and such. Dude, that thing is a godsend when a tantrum is imminent.

    1. It IS! And at a restaurant when he is getting impatient or anxious, it saves my life.
