Holly Days: Manski Monday: Hanging Out

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Monday, January 9, 2012

Manski Monday: Hanging Out

We just finished up bath time and now we have got both of the boys in bed. That was kind of funny, actually. Aiden would start to fuss, then Collin would start to fuss. Then it just became a bit of a fuss back and forth battle. Of course, Mr. Collin, "Super Diaphragm," won. Holly finally went in and says that Aiden is asleep and Collin is talking to the sleeping Aiden. Hahaha.

Having these two midgets together is seriously funny, frustrating, feel good, and just genuinely fun to watch. After putting together Collin's super cool Cars (the movie) race track, it was a battle to get Aiden to leave the Secret Agent car alone. Every time that the car would come by Aiden, he started to shoot his hand out to grab it. Then you have Collin, "Ay-en, don't!" I can't even describe how awesome it is to see these two boys interact, to play together, to attempt to grasp the concept of sharing, and to even bicker at each other. Just too funny.

Earlier today . . . It was just me and the Mini Manski while Holly was at work (Collin was with his Daddy). Aiden decided that he would be ready for a nap when the DirectTV guy showed up to assemble the satellite dish. Aiden was passed out the entire time. I don't know what was louder, David's (DirectTV installer) drill gun or Aiden's snoring. I think he gets that from me.

But the best part of the day was when Aiden and I were on the floor, wrestling. At the front door I hear the door handle turn. And here she is. Looking beautiful as ever. Holly. My love. But before I can even get a "Hello" out, Aiden smiles at her and just starts talking away. Freakin' player!!! It is such a great thing seeing those two together. She is simply amazing with him.

1 comment:

  1. Being in a relationship and blending families myself I got quite a chuckle out of this my man lives a half hour away now so my daughter says all week how many sleeps
