Holly Days: The Halloween Post

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Halloween Post

What kind of blogger would I be if I didn't make a huge Halloween photo post?!?!?! Probably a lame one. Good thing I'm not lame. And even better thing that Collin's costume was full of win this year. Freaking full of win.

Favorite part of Halloween? Watching Collin run in his little monster costume with his tail wagging behind him.

Pretty much you love Collin in that costume. It's so freaking rad, how could you not?

Jacob & I couldn't celebrate together this year, but I did get some pictures of the girlie goos & Aidster (who's costume was so stinking last minute, we were grateful to just find anything...so the weird wanna be dragon/frog/alligator thingy worked for us just fine, thank you) thanks to Jacob's spanking new iPhone.


  1. That is one cute little monster! (Also, where can I get a tricked out wagon like his? :D)

  2. yeah. So I'm lame for not posting a blog?? lol. We only allowed poor Connor 10-15 mins because we were hanging with friends instead of doing Halloween.

    LOVE Collin's costume.

    Love how it was a huge family even for you guys!

  3. It looks like a great night - I love all the pictures!

  4. 1. I also love Collin's tail.
    2. I really love that you still went with Greg.
    3. Greg's shirt? Hilarious!
    4. I used to have the same shoes as Collin!!! Well, back in middle school anyway. Everyone made fun of me because I didn't have the trendy SODA shoes, but whatever, I was just ahead of the times - and Collin is freaking cool.
