Holly Days: Collin's Birthday Party

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Collin's Birthday Party

So Collin's party was low key this year. I didn't throw a huge bash like last year & kept it to close family & friends.

Anyone notice how hard it is to get pictures at your own parties. I suck at that because I'm usually running around or socializing with the guests.

I finally gave up & handed over camera duty to Collin's Uncle Brain (for the second year in a row), who did a great job! Thanks, B!

My Seester & I spent the night before creating this little piece of amazing. Yeah. THAT happened.

Normally, I am the party favor QUEEN. Just ask the kids from last year. This year, I was pressed for time because I waited last minute. Mom fail. Bubbles & Airheads it is.

I get my party planning from my Mama...who bought Collin his very own cotton candy machine & popcorn machine. Complete with his name on the billboard. Did I also mention she purchased her own jumpy house? Yeah. Grandma be cray.

The jumpy house proved to be the perfect setting for Collin & his betrothed to get their dancey dance on...& for Mama to get her stuff-her-face-with-non-diet-friendly-food on.

I'm sure you're thinking, "My what a large gift that green box is! I wonder what it could be?" Let me just prepare you to have your mind blown....

It has a little something to do with this sweet couple, who also happen to be my Seester & BIL.

Did I mention my Seester was knocked up? No? Oh...well, she is.....& Collin got to tell the family what she was having.... A BOY!

Homie made out. Which worked out because half went with Mama & half went with Daddy. These toys will be getting lots of Collin lovins for a long time comin.


  1. Holy cow--I can't believe he's two already! And that cake is seriously awesome--do you two take orders? :D

  2. What an amazing birthday party for an awesome little boy!

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