Holly Days: Thirty Days of Me Photo Challenge: Day Four

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thirty Days of Me Photo Challenge: Day Four

Miniature cupcakes baking in the oven.

Day Four
Post a photo that best sums up the night you've had tonight. What did you do? Why was
it fun? who did you spend it with?

I spent nearly the entire day out shopping & running errands with Meaghan, Greg's daughter (she is
currently living with us as she relocates her life from Los Angeles to Las Vegas). We both had large
lists of things we needed to do, so it only made sense that once we arrived home & were winding
down after dinner, that Meaghan exclaimed, "Oh no!!! Ethan's cupcakes!" Ethan is her son, who
happens to be having a potluck in his class tomorrow morning. So, I grabbed my car keys &
Meaghan & I loaded into the car & made our way to WalMart. It is now 11PM & we still have
at least four more batches of mini cupcakes to put in the oven & decorate.

It's going to be a long night.

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