Holly Days: Thirty Days of Me Photo Challenge: Day Two

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Monday, November 15, 2010

Thirty Days of Me Photo Challenge: Day Two

My sister, Cortney, & I are best friends.

Day Two
Post a photo of you & the person you have been the closest with for the longest.
Why is this person special to you?

I chose my sister, Cortney, for this prompt. We are close in age. Eighteen months & I think
that it worked out perfectly for us. She has been there through every major & minor event in
my life & I hers. She is my sister, but more importantly, she is my friend. Growing up, we
couldn't have been more different. She was a tomboy, who preferred Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles & tag to Barbies & tea parties, something I thoroughly enjoyed. Regardless of our
differences, we were still close. I managed to be pulled away from a tea party or two for a
game of tag & she managed to put aside her TNMT figurines every so often for Barbies.
Now that we are adults, Cortney is the one friend I know I will never drift away from. I know
I can pick up the phone any time for any reason & she will be there when I need her. We have
seen each other through our first heartbreaks, drunken nights filled with beer pong & fights with
our Mom. I have seen her through the heart break of her first love, Navy boot camp, three years
away from home, the police academy & now a fiance & new home. She has seen me through
an abusive relationship, stood by me at my wedding, was by my side as I lost Liam & there
again as Collin was born. She is truly my soul match & I never take for granted the close
relationship I have with her. We are the only two people who truly know what the other has
been through & I am so grateful I've had her by my side thus far in our lives. I love you, Seester!

1 comment:

  1. =] I knew it you you'd say when I was reading the 30 day list. lol.
