Holly Days: Banner & Button Lovage

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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Banner & Button Lovage

I've recently (kind of) started offering to make banners for a small fee. I did a little trail run on Instagram & offered them up for free (hollydaysblog, you bettah follow a beezy) & even though most of the people who took me up on it were family & friends, I don't even care. Especially since i've been using a lot of Jess', from IROCKSOWHAT, freebies anyway & that would be sort of illegal to sell things using her stuff. If you actually purchase a banner/button/social media icons/holler picture from me, it will all be original stuff, like I created for Caitlin, from From Newlywed to Momma.

Here is some of what I've been working on:

I also made this sweet little holler picture, as I like to call it, for my friend, Krystal, who just started a blog called Krystal's Musings. And I'm in the process of making one for my friend, Nicole, from Nic + Bean. In fact, I am designing Nicole's entire blog this weekend. PS: I did Krystal's entire blog, too. Holler at you blog designer. Horn tooting.

Anyways, this is what I've been up to late at night. I am offering up blog banners for $10 each. Buttons for $5. Holler pictures for $8. I've been thinking about offering complete blog designs to include social media icons, headers & everything. What do you guys think? Would you even buy something like that?

If you want a custom blog banner, button, holler picture, anything, you can emial me at hollyblogs@ymail.com.


  1. I love my banner & buttons :) yous the best!

  2. Great designs! You should definitely give it a shot!

  3. Can I get a woot woot?!?! Love my blog darling!!!!!
