Holly Days: Don't Drink the Water

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Don't Drink the Water

Does anyone else have problems with their kid drinking the bath water? I swear, Collin drinks from the bathtub like it's cool. Only it's gross. But me telling him to stop does nothing. And I think it would be stupid to harp on him for something harmless. I mean...didn't we all at some point drink bath water?

Besides, it doesn't help that I used a mini Lunchable water bottle as a toy.

He also has issues with me rinsing his hair. But lately, when Aiden is here, Jacob will help me & he turns it into a game for them to make Collin laugh. And then? THIS HAPPENED!!!!!

I am so happy that phase is over. I hated basically murdering my child every single night when I washed his hair. No, seriously. It was Saw IV up in here. Showings nightly.

Anyways, now my kid is a bath pro. Holler.

PS: I'm a mother effing princess, ya'll.


  1. OMG. Eli is just like this. He LOVES LOVE LOVES to drink his bathwater. And his pool water. UGH. There is NO stopping it yet. Unless you hand cuff them behind their back maybe!

    And Eli has a complete fit as I wash his hair or wipe his face. He always has and it's probably the chore with him I hate most. That and changing a poopie diaper as his fits are pretty epic there too. But we've discussed this. lol

  2. This is why I wash Maddy's hair and body first, quick like a flash while the water is running down the drain. Once all the soap bubbles (and dirt) go down the drain THEN I plug the tub and fill it with clear water... that way, when she drinks the water, at least it's clean water.

    1. That's a good idea, but Collin loses his shit if I drain the tub. Plus, he knows how to plug it back up. Ugh!

  3. Isabel leans over and laps the water up like a dog, and it completely grosses me out. I remember drinking the bath water when I was little though and......I don't think it affected me too much..... She also dumps water on her face like that, but she still freaks out and tries to stand up if I do it to her.

    1. Yeah, Collin is sort of like that, too. Stands up or screams. Like, seriously, kid?

  4. My son {just turned 3} and HATES I mean HATES bath time because he knows there will be a hair wash in there somewhere. Everytime I pick up a cup he quickly stands up hops outta the tub and runs for his life. I have tried everything to get him past this stage...nothing works :( Bath time stinks!!!

    1. Collin did exactly that! I think him seeing another kid get doused & seeing that it's ok made him realize it's not OMGTHEENDOFTHEWORLD.

  5. DUDE! Lennon drinks bathwater too... she sucks it out of the damn washcloth. SO gross!

    1. Bahaha! We use a loofah, but I bet if we used a washcloth, he's do that!
