Holly Days: iPhone Photos: Week 12

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

iPhone Photos: Week 12

01: The beginning of my day.  02: The end of my day. I'm really just a dorky computer nerd at heart.

01: Collin hanging out in the recliner. Just watching some TV. Drinking a liter of Diet Coke.  02: Bingo with the fam.  03: Las Vegas life.

01: Happy Mama.  02: Annoyed, please go to sleep now, Mama.

01: Jack Black's episode of Yo Gabba Gabba is Collin's favorite ever.  02/ 03: Selfie love. Feeling like Claire from Modern Family. Button down shirt & some jeans. Totally mom-ing it up.  04-06: Mashing up strawberries for jam.  07: The finished product.  08/ 09: Collin's super serious artwork. The kid was not messing around. He was concentrating so hard.

01: Today was meltdown day...& I never got the memo. Made for fun times.  02: My dog. She's sort of a harlett.  03: I could not stop laughing. I found him like this. Which means he moved his chair & managed to get himself in it like this.  04: My wild Friday night. Shaved my legs.

01: Mister pancake eater.  02: Collin Burgundy.  03: Holllaaaaa!!!

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