Holly Days: 30 Photos

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Monday, March 7, 2011

30 Photos

Chelsey, Dani & Jess have all posted this on their blogs. I enjoyed it. So now I am doing it on my blog.

01. Someone you spend a lot of time with.
Mah Goo Bear!  }

02. A picture of you.

03. A random photo of you & your significant other.
{  circa 2007  }

04. A picture of something that makes you happy.

05. An old picture of you.
NJROTC geek, anyone?  }

06. A picture of your sibling(s).
{  My Seester!  }

07. A picture you've never posted on your blog before.

08. A picture of a person you miss.
{  My Dad.  }

09. A picture of people who knew you now & then.
This photo was actually taken by my cousin, Debbie @ West Word.  }
10. A picture of your favorite place.
{  Lake Huron, MI.  }

11. A person you can tell anything to.

12. A picture of your everyday life.

13. A picture from a place you love.
{  Collin & his Great Gramma in Michigan.  }

14. A picture that reminds you of great times.
{  My Seester, her husband, our cousin, Jason & I on the shore of Lake Huron.  }
15. A class photo.

16. A picture of the best day of your life.

17. A picture that always makes you laugh.

18. A picture of your spare time.

19. A photo from a great night.

20. A picture of people who are closest to you.

21. A picture of someone you always have a good time with.

22. A picture of your parents when they were (around) your age.

23. A picture from last summer.
{  Photo by my cousin, Debbie @ West Word}

24. A picture of your closest friend of the opposite sex (not your partner).

25. A picture of you on your favorite vacation.
{  Once again, Lake Huron, MI.  }

26. A picture of an accomplishment.

27. A picture of your closest friends.

28. A random picture from photobooth.

29. A photo that makes you smile.

30. Someone you will never let go of.
{  Liam's story.  }

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  1. I love this! #2 = I adore your hair, #17 is too cute for words and #30 is so loving ♥

  2. Love your pictures!

    I miss the beach sooo much.

    And thank you for sharing both of your beautiful, sweet children with us. It is an honor.

  3. I just read both of your birth stories. So beautiful. I am glad Vlogging brought me to you. Dude, I totally over used the word beautiful in your comments today... but it's true!

    You are beautiful too.

  4. I never knew about the Liam story since I am pretty new to your blog. It breaks my heart. IT must have been incredibly hard. You are a strong woman!
    I loved all the photos.

  5. This is such a cute idea!!! I love all the pictures! It tells so many things about you, you are such a cool awesome person!

  6. these are great. i love this post idea. i feel like these posts let me get to know you all a little better! :)

  7. oh my gosh... collin, bath tub... mohawk?? cutest picture EVER.

  8. Just found your blog. What a story you have. Can't wait to get caught up.
    Beautiful photos.
