Holly Days: The Blahs

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Blahs

I know it's been a little quiet around here this week. In all honesty? I've been feeling a little burnt out. I'm going to take the weekend to recharge & relax.

In the meantime, you have to watch this video. It's about Pete Eckert. A blind photographer. Blind.......photographer.


You also need to watch & enjoy this video of my friend, Maria, surprising her guests with a serenade to her groom at their wedding! It was so romantic & the girl can saaaanggggg!



  1. how friggen sweet! I got tears in my eyes. You rock it, Maria!

  2. that seriously rocks! she's got an amazing voice * *

  3. Dang your friend can "blow" (as Randy Jackson would say!)! I loved the story about Pete Eckert. Amazing what a person can do. Thanks for sharing both clips, enjoy your downtime this weekend.
