Holly Days: Mama's Day Hike

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mama's Day Hike

For mother's day this year, my Mom requested that the family make the drive to Mount Charleston for the afternoon. We took a little hike & had a late lunch together. Collin loved being around the trees & dirt.

Really, though? Our goal was to get my two weeks overdue sister into labor.

It was a really fun day & I enjoyed my time with my family. It's amazing having the connection with my mother & sister as mothers. 

PS: Little Everett arrived safely into the world this morning! More on him soon, with photos! I have a nephew!!!


  1. The photos of Collin with your sister are just too cute! And I'm super impressed that she was able to take a hike being two weeks overdue! I'm just starting the third trimester and I'm already waddling around like a duck. :D

    1. She was kicking ass with that belly! Haha!

  2. yikes! 2 weeks overdue! she looks so happy here. i think i would be miserable! looks like a really great day. collin is absolutely adorable.

    1. Don't let this fool you. She was sooooo done when we finished. Swollen hands & feet. Poor girl.

  3. Collin is too freaking cute!! :) Congrats on your nephew! :)

  4. Your poor sister; she must be so uncomfortable! She looks like she is ready to pop! Great pics though!
