Holly Days: He's a Toddler

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Friday, November 5, 2010

He's a Toddler

Fair warning: The following may be a jumbled bit of words thrown together. I can't seem to gather all of my thoughts about Collin's first year. My brain is all over the place with sadness & excitement, both at the same time, for him. Apologies. I'm normally a very witty, organized blogger.

It's official. I am the mother of a toddler. Collin turned one on Wednesday, November 3rd. I have been a nostalgic mess for the past week. I've been pulling out his old baby clothes, pausing during a chore to stare at Collin while he played & exclaiming, "This time last year.." & going on about how I was a huge, swollen, pregnant beast, but still so excited to meet my baby boy to anyone who'd listen.

I hate to sound like the typical, "I can't believe how much my bitty baby has grown," Mom, but I've quickly discovered that all of that cheesy Mom talk that you swear you'll never do when you have your baby, quickly goes out the window once you have your own. It all happens entirely too fast. Appreciate every day. Even the poop-splosion, projectile vomiting filled ones.

Collin has accomplished so much in one, short year. His torticollis is nearly defeated, he's walking, "talking," learning & growing. It's completely surreal watching a baby grow & learn & discover, becoming a little person, with their own personality traits, likes & dislikes.

Collin hates peas, just like his Dad. He scrunches his nose when he's excited, like his Mama. His feet are ginormous, also like his Dad & his adorable dimples...those are aaallllllll Mama. His first words were, "cheeessseeeeee," (I know, how completely cool!) &, "uh-oh," which I hope isn't a foreshadowing of what's to come.

I finished Collin's one year video just in time for his birthday. I tried so hard to limit myself to one song, but I couldn't bring myself to remove any more photos, so I extended it to two songs. You've been warned.

This little man has yet to learn how much he was wanted; how much love he's filled his Mama's heart with; how much joy his little face has brought into this world. I thank the Lord every single day for this blessing; that he's granted me this unfathomable gift: to be Collin's Mama. This first year has been a crazy struggle. I've learned, I've laughed, I've sobbed & it's all helped form me into a Mom.

Happy birthday, Monkey!


  1. I just realized this is your new blog!!!! DUH. I came here earlier but it's not on my google reader so when I went through and went to your site on google reader I just assumed you had changed your layout. LOL. And that is why I only now just realized C turned one just a couple days before E!!!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE MAN!!!! PRECIOUS!!! I can't believe how fast it's going!

  2. Haha! I haven't made the official announcement yet, so no worries!

    I actually hadn't finished this post yet, either.

    NOW it's done. Video & all. =D

  3. Huge feet and hates peas. Sounds like a Torrico male alright. And if he is like his brother at all the Uh-Oh is just the start of it lol.

  4. Love love love the video, it's so precious and definitely made me tear up!

  5. Haha, Adam!! Yes, he is JUST like you & your Dad. Everyone is always commenting how much he reminds them of you.

    Brianna, thank you!! =D

  6. it's so shocking how much we say that we swear we won't before kids, isn't it!?

    I can't believe how fast the time went.
